2019-10-17 17.30.28 2156732980349355513_jamespatterson

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“anytime someone says maximum ride I flinch internally and externally” -@pieraforde
I felt that. The milk man at your grocery store felt that. Everyone felt that.
Swipe for what could potentially be the next maximum ride book.
What do y’all think?
#maximumride #maximumrideforever #theangelexpieriment #maxride #pieraforde #fang #max #nudge #angel #iggy #gasman #eraser #plsstopmakingmaximumridebooks #pieraforde #pieraformax #pleasemakeamaximumridemoviepiera #maximumridebook10 #jamespatterson #bookstagram #books #birdkids #flock #pieraformax #letpieramakeamaximumridemovie #total #maximumridemovie…

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